Thursday, February 26, 2009

Making the Trade

I love to trade. All day at work, I flip between doing actual work and checking out this screen. At precisely 8:30 CST, the flood gates open and the trading begins! You really never know how the market is going to matter how informed you are...but it moves. It moves as a trillion ideas, dollars, and dreams are traded between the hours of 8:30-3 (9:30-4). But it doesn't stop there...shortly after market close...the Asian markets open and the other half of the world is heard from! Then the European markets open (by then I am up WAY too late)....but just the sheer thrill of watching all this information and reactions being processed keeps me up more nights than I would like to admit. 
So I trade, but trading has really become a larger metaphor for the choies I make (or do not make) in my own life. What's in my "life" account? What attributes should I keep? What should I dispose of...I think there is a lot that needs to be shed. Everything in the market has a price. When I trade with someone else, they are betting on the value of that price. A transaction has taken place. It has only been recently when I have had enough in capital to invest (mid-term trade) when I have started to realize the value of the choices I make everyday. How much do I want to get buff or is cultivating a knowledge of food and wine more valuable? Should I spend time on budgeting and profit/loss projections or should I get together with my much neglected friends. (God bless them for being so patient.) There is always a trade off. 
For some absurd reason, it is easier for me to trade securities than it is to decide where I should focus my energies. I would write more...but I feel like writing anymore would be disingenuous and pretentious (even for me).  Happy trading...

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