Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Leaps of Faith

I have a co-worker who is obsessed with Brazil, a friend who loves Nicaragua more than God itself, and myself...who has no clue where he wants to go and why. I just know that I am unsatisfied with this particular set of circumstances. I have been for quite some time...about 2 years now. The question comes...when is it right or time to take that "leap of faith." I've wanted to move to Los Angeles for well about 3 years now. I have no idea why. I've never been there. I don't really know many people there..maybe NY grated on me too much. Somehow, I think there is something better waiting there. It's the ultimate West. The final frontier.

I had originally planned to make a trip out to LA to find jobs and visit a job fair. But given this current economy and the stagerring 9.5 percent (we'll see worse numbers tomorrow) unemployment in Southern California, I decided to use the time I took off to touch base to go back to the last place where I felt alive: NY. I want to find something different, but I don't know how much it is location based and how much is just wanting a change. I think I could be happy in either city, but I doubt my ability to be happy here.

Nonetheless, we are told time and time again to 'bloom where you are planted.' What the fuck does that even mean? While the prima facie interpretation would be to strive to be the best where you are...all I see is hyper-mediocrity. Can we really bloom where are we planted or is it many times better to nip the bud? 

That's where the leap comes in. Taking all security and throwing it to the wind. I think I'd like to do that...but I'm just not ready yet. I was discussing this with a friend of mine who offered a fairly random is the leaps that define us...the only thing we really have control over. That's a lot to mull over.

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