Last week, I was lucky or unfortunate enough to witness Rick Santelli's "Rant of the Year" in real time. This was shortly after Obama had released details on his foreclosure recovery plan.
When I saw Rick's rant from the CME, it hit me. Many people in finances don't get it. Greed is still here. I know I have it. But there comes a time when greed does not have a place...we are all too interconnected for it to persist at this point. The market has already depreciated significantly, but the call to introspection will be the true bottom point of our economy. This is when we will see "capitulation," when no one (or very, very few) feel safe and they sell without regard.
We are or will be forced to reckon with our resources and thus where we will place our values or our values and where we place our resources. This is where we will begin the healing process. We've (myself included) must learn to modify our ways and start to live meaningfully again.
I've recently been trying to detach myself from my money (not be "of it").I don't know how successful I will be in the long term, for I am, truly a capitalist. But that doesn't mean that I have to be greedy or "evil." It is possible to capitalize on growth, ideas, efficiency, and sharing instead of hoarding, profiteering, and crushing others.
For anyone, so blessed, so fortunate to be making more than 250,000 dollars a year. They risk extreme moral hazard bitching about higher taxes. With great wealth, comes great responsibility. When selfishness prevails, no one trades and no one eats...If we continue to live like this, there will be a revolution. I'm not being melodramatic. The movement towards revolution is happening faster and faster each day.
Does anyone else notice Rome is burning? Wake up people.